Knowledge Center

Professional Development You're Invited: 2025 MTAS IMPACT Series
Please mark your calendars and plan to attend the upcoming MTAS IMPACT Series. This year's series will focus on one topic over four sessions. Inspired by the work to attract Blue Oval to West Tennessee and Volkswagen to East Tennessee, the series will provide a high-level overview of the process to take development projects of any size from concept to completion.
By the end of the series, municipalities should have a better understanding of what is required to organize the resources, align the key stakeholders and attract new business to support the project’s success. The series is valuable for all municipal officials and staff especially those engaged in economic and community development.
You can also find other upcoming MTAS training that may be relevant to those involved in Planning/BZA.
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Featured Page The Powers and Functions of the Local Planning Commission in Tennessee
The Powers and Functions of the Local Planning Commission in Tennessee is a document outlining what the local planning commission's role is. Written by Bill Terry, it is an extremely helpful document for both commissioners and young planners alike. Read the document at the bottom of the Resources page.
Read Powers and Functions of the Local Planning Commission in Tennessee (will download as a PDF)

The Knowledge Center has a variety of content on it designed to increase your knowledge of the field. Included are pages on planning resources, the Plan4Health program, and planning schools and higher education in Tennessee, among others.
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