2020 TAPA Fall Conference

Tennessee Chapter of the American Planning Association

GET IT DONE FRIDAYS | Virtual Conference  | November and December 2020


Quick Links

Watch Previously Recorded Sessions here

Other Webinars of Interest:

Equity Matters: Creating a Safe, Healthy and Inclusive Transportation System For All

(previously recorded)

Full Details

While it isn't the joint Tennessee-Georgia Fall Conference we had in mind when this year started, TAPA will be providing several opportunities on Fridays in November and December for credit hours. Friday sessions on ethics, law, and cycling/pedestrians will start at 1:00 PM Central (2:00 Eastern). The Planning Commissioner/BZA training will start at 8:00 AM Central (9:00 Eastern).  We also hope to post the videos online after each session so you can watch it on your own time.

Activating Data for Greater Walkability and Bikeability on Friday December 11th at 1:00 CST/2:00 EST

The panelists will share examples of how they have used data -- both quantitative and qualitative -- to analyze the impact of design on the safety and comfort of people walking, bicycling, and accessing public spaces. They will also offer solutions to enhancing safety and access, with a focus on equity. 

Watch it online here

Legal Training on Friday December 4th at 1:00 PM CST/2:00 EST

TAPA’s Chapter Legislative Consultant will present an overview of the last legislative session and will discuss bills that may be introduced in the legislature this coming session that could potentially affect aspects of planning, zoning and growth policy. Additionally, an analysis of case law that affects planning will be presented including both federal and state cases.

Watch it online here

Ethics Training on Friday November 20th at 1:00 PM CST/2:00 EST

In this session, we will review recent real-life situations that put planners in an awkward position. Participants will think through the ethical rules that should guide their choices in these situations and review the procedural steps of an ethics complaint. Bring your copy of the AICP Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, while we brush up on rules about Confidential Information, Endorsements, Personal Property, Professional Misrepresentation, Public Engagement, Running for Office, and Social Equity.

Watch it online here

Planning Commissioner/Board of Zoning Appeals Training on Friday November 13th at 8:00 AM CST/9:00 EST

8:00 AM – 10:00 AM: Deborah Fisher, Tennessee Coalition for Open Government: Ms. Fisher will provide an overview of the open records and open meeting laws governing the State of Tennessee. She will review best practices related to government transparency and will also provide an overview of how virtual meetings have been implemented across the state along with lessons learned in this new meeting format. 

10:15 AM to 12:00 PM: Leslie Meehan, Tennessee Department of Health: As planners, most of us enter our profession with the deeply rooted goal of helping shape vibrant, livable communities that welcome all people. However, this aim too often gets sidetracked through the demand of navigating regulations, codes, and policies. How can we find a middle ground between these two, and is there even a way to balance them? This session will be a moderated dialogue where we’ll cover the planning moments that make us most proud, and the times that left us unsure of how to proceed. This discussion will be rooted in the recognition of our drive to be ethical practitioners and will include a discussion on how ethics manifests in everyday practice. 

Watch it online here