2021 Fall Conference
2021 TAPA Fall Conference

TAPA 2021 Fall Conference: Chattanooga, Tennessee October 6th through 8th
The Tennessee Chapter of the American Planning Association is proud to announce that the 2021 Fall Conference will be a joint conference with the Georgia Planning Association in Chattanooga. Mark your calendars for October 6th through 8th as this will be the largest TAPA conference in years! Sponsorship information will be announced soon and a full agenda will be announced after the session deadline.Draft Agenda Available Here
Full Conference Registration gives you access to all sessions and breaks, Wednesday Welcome Reception, Thursday and Friday Continental Breakfasts, and Thursday Lunch. The Thursday Social Event (details TBD) will have food and drink available for purchase.
Daily Conference Registration gives you access to all sessions, breaks and functions for that day only.
Register for the conference here
Hotel Information
We will be staying at the Chattanooga Marriott Downtown. You can book your reservations either online by clicking here or by calling Marriott at 800-841-1674 and referencing either TN Planning Association or GA Planning Association. You can get directions to the hotel here. Below is further information on the hotel.
Mobile Workshop Information
Four mobile workshops will be available at this year's conference. Please meet in the registration area of the Convention Center 5-10 minutes prior to the start time for departure. All Mobile Workshops will depart once registrants are checked in.
Mobile Workshop #1: How Missing Middle Housing Meets Today’s Housing Demands
- Date/time: Wednesday, October 6, 2021, 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM
- Transportation: Public transit, walking
- Fee: $7
Cities across the country are rediscovering the utility that house-scale multi-family buildings, or “Missing Middle” housing, can provide. Participants of this workshop will first look to the past to understand how these housing forms have continued to work for generations in downtown Chattanooga’s MLK neighborhood. Next, participants will take a trip on public transit to the Highland Park neighborhood to see how contemporary examples of Missing Middle housing address walkability, affordability, and community resiliency.
Mobile Workshop #2: The Southside and Main Street: Lessons Learned from Urban Neighborhood Redevelopment
- Date/time: Thursday, October 7, 2021, 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM
- Transportation: Walking
- Fee: Free, but registration required
Homes in Chattanooga’s Southside neighborhoods are in high demand and Main Street has become one of the city’s most popular destinations with local shops and restaurants. How did this once derelict area turn around? Participants will learn about the redevelopment obstacles and solutions, catalytic projects, zoning changes, and continuing challenges of revitalizing urban neighborhoods.
Mobile Workshop #3: Revitalization of Downtown Chattanooga’s Riverfront
- Date/time: Thursday, October 7, 2021, 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM
- Transportation: Bicycle (approximately 3 miles, easy and flat). Bicycle included in workshop fee. Bring your own helmet.
- Fee: $10
Chattanooga’s downtown and riverfront have undergone a remarkable transformation in the last three decades. Using Chattanooga’s bike share program, workshop participants will ride approximately 3 miles through the heart of downtown, to Ross’s Landing, past the Tennessee Aquarium, and along a section of the paved Riverwalk to the Blue Goose Hollow Trailhead. In addition to enjoying the natural scenery along the Tennessee River, participants will hear about new riverfront housing, hotels, playgrounds, and public art.
Mobile Workshop #4: Benefits of Quality Public Spaces
- Date/time: Friday, October 8, 2021, 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM
- Transportation: Walking
- Fee: Free, but registration required
This workshop will explore the value of public spaces as public assets that benefit the economic, social, and environmental wellbeing of cities. Participants will visit several public spaces in and around downtown Chattanooga to observe how people interact with open spaces and hear history about the public/private/philanthropic partnerships that have helped amplify these spaces in recent years. The workshop will include discussions about the value of public art, green spaces, and the power of public spaces to foster social connections.
Sponsorship Information
- Two Complimentary Registrations at Conference
- One ½ page ad in the Conference Program
- Exhibit Space at 2021 Joint Fall Conference
- Opportunity to address the audience at keynote speaker session for 4 minutes
- Prominent Recognition at Conference Events*
GOLD LEVEL – $1,000
- Two Complimentary Registrations at Fall 2019 Conference
- One ¼ page ad in the Fall Conference Program
- Exhibit Space at 2021 Joint Fall Conference
- Prominent Recognition at Conference Events*
- One Complimentary Registration at 2021 Joint Fall Conference
- Business Card Sized Ad in Conference Program
- Prominent Recognition at Conference Events*
- Business Card Sized Ad in Conference Program
- Prominent Recognition at Conference Events*
- Business Card Sized Ad in Conference Program
- Prominent Recognition at Conference Events*
- Thursday Exhibit Space Only at 2021 Joint Fall Conference
*Prominent Recognition includes:
- Logo (with a link) on Conference web page
- Announcement at the Keynote Session
- Display Board with Company Name/Logo
- Included in Sponsor Section of Conference Program