Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals Training

The Middle Tennessee Section of TAPA will be hosting a Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeal Training on Friday, November 5th at 9 AM EST/8 AM CST. If you can't attend the meeting virtually, it will be recorded and will be available to be watched on your schedule on Tuesday, November 9th on the recorded TAPA sessions webpage. This session is open to all Tennessee Planning Commissioners, BZA members, and planners and is provided free-of-charge.

Register for the webinar here.

Below is the agenda (all times shown are Central)

8:00 AM – 9:15 AM: Plat Checklists and Innovation in Surveying 

Speaker: Ken Shreeve, TWM Tennessee Geospatial Services Manager 

9:15 AM - 9:30 AM: Break 

9:30 AM to 10:45 AM: MTAS Vesting Panel 

Speakers: Chuck Downham, MTAS Municipal Management Consultant; Doug Demosi, Rutherford County Planning Director; George Dean, Tune Entrekin & White, PC; Sam Edwards, MTAS Training Consultant; Vernon Gerth, City of Franklin Assistant City Administrator 

10:45 AM to 11:00 AM: Break 

11:00 AM to 12:00 PM: Health Equity and Change Lab Solutions 

Speaker: Leslie Meehan, Tennessee Department of Health Director of Primary Prevention 

A reminder that the State of Franklin also had Planning Commissioner training earlier this year. It can be watched anytime online here.