Spring Retreats

Montgomery Bell State Park | March 17-18, 2025 Spring Retreat Returns to Montgomery Bell State Park!
Below you will find the link to the Spring Retreat Call for Proposals. This year’s retreat will be held on March 17-18 at Montgomery Bell State Park, and the theme is “Spring Forward: Cultivating Ideas for Growing Communities”. As you know, we rely on TAPA members to help fill our agenda! The deadline to submit proposals is February 14, 2025!
- Sessions will be for approximately 1 hour
- Each session must include at least 1 AICP Planner as well as 1 TAPA Member.
- Submit your proposals to Jeff Tyndall at tapavicepresident@gmail.com by February 14
- Selection notifications will occur by February 21
- Please use this form to ensure we have all the necessary components
- Final presentations are due by March 7

Spring Retreat Overview
Every year, TAPA hosts a Spring Retreat during March or April. Usually attended by around 100 planners, the Spring Retreat is smaller with less sessions than the Fall Conference. However, it gives Tennessee planners another chance to get together, exchange ideas, and learn from each other to advance better community planning across the State.